Côte d'Opale - "Détente sur la Côte d'Opale" La Côte d'Opale, cette perle de beauté dans le Nord! Balayée par le vent et la mer, cet écrin aux couleurs toujours changeantes en fait un lieu unique où les Nordistes aiment se ressourcer. Enveloppe non fournie.
Côte d'Opale - "Balade sur la Côte" La Côte d'Opale, cette perle de beauté dans le Nord! Balayée par le vent et la mer, cet écrin aux couleurs toujours changeantes en fait un lieu unique où les Nordistes aiment se ressourcer.Vous aurez certainement reconnu le Cap Blanc-Nez et les chemins de randonnées du littoral…Enveloppe non comprise.
Nord "C'est le Nord" Enveloppe non fournies.
Wimereux "La Digue" Retrouvez la cabine emblématique de Wimereux au format carte postale! Un petit souvenir facile à envoyer!Enveloppe non comprise.
Wimereux - "Balade sur la digue" Une jolie carte postale qui rappelle les vacances! Le chic de la ville balnéaire représentée par une femme élégante! Rien de mieux qu'un petite digue pour décompresser et apprécier le soleil du nord!Enveloppe non comprise.
La Grand'Place de Lill est le cœur historique et animé de Lille. Elle est entourée de magnifiques bâtiments d'architecture flamande et néo-classique, créant une atmosphère impressionnante et pittoresque. La place est célèbre pour sa taille spacieuse et son caractère convivial. C'est une place emblématique et animée, entourée de superbes bâtiments...
Lille, located in the north of France, is a dynamic and cultural city. It is the main commune of the European Metropolis of Lille, which brings together 94 other communes. Lille is proud to host events such as the Braderie de Lille and the Olympic Games. Its history dates back to Roman times, and it prospered thanks to the wool and linen trade. Today,...
Le Touquet - "Plage" Retrouver le style Wim' dans cette carte postale du Touquet-Paris-Plage. Un style vintage pour cette cité balnéaire au caractère incroyable!Enveloppe non comprise.
Boulogne-sur-Mer - "Rue de Lille" Baladez-vous en vieille ville, avec ce charme des rues pavées, des maisons bourgeoises, de la Basilique qui surplombe Boulogne? Connaissez-vous le trésor de la Côte d'Opale?Enveloppe non comprise.
Wimereux - "Les Wimereusiennes" Retrouvez les Wimereusiennes et les cabines au format carte postale! Un petit souvenir facile à envoyer!Enveloppe non comprise.
Hardelot détente La station balnéaire d 'Hardelot-Plage et sa plage de 3 km de sable fin se situe au cœur du Parc Naturel Régional entre Boulogne-sur-Mer et Le Touquet. Côté environnement, Hardelot-Plage offre aux amateurs de la marche des randonnées dans le massif dunaire protégé qui culmine à 90 mètres vous offrant une vue imprenable. Enveloppe non...
Wissant - Plage de la Dune d'Aval Côté sud de Wissant, découvrez la grande plage sauvage de la dune d’Aval à marée basse. Elle s'étend de Wissant à Audinghen. Baladez vous sur cette plage pour admirer son paysage, les chars à voile et les nombreux pratiquants de Kitesurf! Attention cependant, la baignade y est interdite! Situé sur la Côte d'Opale, le...
Carte Postale "Les Cabines de la Côte d'Opale"Retrouvez les cabines les plus emblématiques que vous pouvez croiser sur toutes les plage de la Côte d'Opale…! Enveloppe non comprise.
Lens - "Lensois !" Retrouvez la plage de Calais et ses symboles uniques au format carte postale! Un petit souvenir facile à envoyer!Enveloppe non comprise.
30x40 Rue Saint-Jean is an emblematic street located in the seaside resort of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage. This street is very lively and is a real nerve center of the social and commercial life of the city. Visitors and residents flock to this street to shop, eat, enjoy the sidewalk cafes, or simply stroll and take in the resort vibe. Rue Saint-Jean is...
Amsterdam Enveloppe non fournie. Egalement disponible au format 30x40cm : voir la fiche produit Egalement disponible au format 50x70cm : voir la fiche produit
Le Touquet - "Détente au Touquet" Retrouver le style Wim' dans cette carte postale du Touquet-Paris-Plage. Un style vintage pour cette cité balnéaire au caractère incroyable!Enveloppe non comprise.
Côte d'Opale - "Les Plages" La Côte d'Opale, cette perle de beauté dans le Nord! Balayée par le vent et la mer, cet écrin aux couleurs toujours changeantes en fait un lieu unique où les Nordistes aiment se ressourcer. Enveloppe non fournie. Également disponible en format 30x40 cm : voir la fiche produit Également disponible en format 50x70 cm : voir la...
Place aux Oignons is located near many of Lille's tourist attractions, such as Grand'Place, Vieille Bourse, Notre-Dame de la Treille Cathedral and Rue de la Monnaie. Place aux Oignons is a charming square in Old Lille, known for its picturesque atmosphere, its half-timbered houses and its lively café terraces. It's a nice place to relax, enjoy local...
Mers-Les-Bains "Détente" Mers les Bains n'est pas connu que pour la beauté de sa plage, elle est aussi adorée pour ses somptueuses villas de bord de mer.Avec leur style balnéaire d'antan et leur couleurs vives, ces jolies maisons séduisent touristes et riverains au quotidien.Enveloppe non comprise.
Wim' makes you discover an event that he knows well and that he does every year in his stronghold of Hauts-de-France: the Braderie de Lille! The Braderie de Lille is a major event that transforms the city into a gigantic flea market during a weekend in September. This is an opportunity to do good business, enjoy the festive atmosphere, taste local...
Saint-Valery-sur-Somme "Charmante Saint-Valery" Prenez le temps de découvrir la cité médiévale, les vestiges des remparts, les tours Guillaume, les petites rues pavéeset fleuries, l’église Saint-Martin et ses ex-votos, ou simplement de flâner sur les quais qui bordent la Baie de Somme. Descendez par le quartier des marins « Le Courtgain » et découvrez les...
Ambleteuse Le petit village d'Ambleteuse est situé à 9 km de Boulogne-sur-Mer sur le site protégé des "Deux Caps" et Parc naturel des Caps et Marais d'Opale. Ce village de pêcheurs est surtout connu par le majestueux fort Mahon (construit au XVIIe siècle par Vauban sous les ordres de Louis XIV), de sa plage ainsi que sur la baie de la Slack et sa flore...
Lyon -Place Bellecour Bienvenue à Lyon sur la mythique Place Bellecour ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Dunkerque L'histoire de Dunkerque est liée à la mer du Nord. La ville se développa autour de son port.Le Carnaval est également un des évènement les plus important de l'année, les festivités, la gaieté et la camaraderie y règnent en maître… les hommages à Jean Bart le corsaire se multiplient lors de cet évènement! Enveloppe non fournie.
Wissant - Plage Situé sur la Côte d'Opale, le paisible et coquet village de Wissant de 1300 habitants est niché entre le Cap Blanc-Nezet le Cap Gris-Nez avec en arrière pays le bocage boulonnais. Enveloppe non fournie.
Côte d'Opale - "Le Cap Blanc Nez" La Côte d'Opale, cette perle de beauté dans le Nord! Balayée par le vent et la mer, cet écrin aux couleurs toujours changeantes en fait un lieu unique où les Nordistes aiment se ressourcer. Vous aurez certainement reconnu le Cap Blanc-Nez et les chemins de randonnées du littoral. Enveloppe non comprise.
Lille, located in the north of France, is a dynamic and cultural city. It is the main commune of the European Metropolis of Lille, which brings together 94 other communes. Lille is proud to host events such as the Braderie de Lille and the Olympic Games. Its history dates back to Roman times, and it prospered thanks to the wool and linen trade. Today,...
Audresselles Situé sur la Côte d'Opale, le village de pêcheurs d'Audresselles est un des plus prisé de la Côte d'Opale. Avec ses petites maisons de pêcheurs et ses longères blanches ornées de bandes de couleur au bas des murs, ce petit village de pêcheurs a conservé une architecture toute caractéristique tout en préservant son caractère sauvage et...
Calais - "Détente à Calais" Retrouvez la plage de Calais et ses symboles uniques au format carte postale! Un petit souvenir facile à envoyer!Enveloppe non comprise.
Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation, or rather a relaxing day in Wissant. Take advantage of its seafront, its huge beach and its impressive view of Cap Blanc-Nez! If you are lucky, in good weather, you will be able to see the English coasts! Located on the Côte d'Opale, the peaceful and charming village of Wissant with 1,300 inhabitants is nestled...
Lyon -Détente sur les quais Bienvenue à Lyon pour un instant détente sur les quais ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Lille, located in the north of France, is a dynamic and cultural city. It is the main commune of the European Metropolis of Lille, which brings together 94 other communes. Lille is proud to host events such as the Braderie de Lille and the Olympic Games. Its history dates back to Roman times, and it prospered thanks to the wool and linen trade. Today,...
Lille, located in the north of France, is a dynamic and cultural city. It is the main commune of the European Metropolis of Lille, which brings together 94 other communes. Lille is proud to host events such as the Braderie de Lille and the Olympic Games. Its history dates back to Roman times, and it prospered thanks to the wool and linen trade. Today,...
Arras - "Détente à Arras" Retrouvez la ville d'Arras et ses symboles uniques au format carte postale! Un petit souvenir facile à envoyer!Enveloppe non comprise.
Honfleur La beauté de Honfleur et son port magnifique font de cette petite ville, un des plus hauts lieux touristiques de France. Ses jolies ruelles colorées et son port ont attiré les plus grands artistes peintres depuis des siècles. Aujourd'hui c'est Wim' qui se plait à vous faire redécouvrir Honfleur! Enveloppe non comprise.
30x40 cm Discover the rooftops of Paris with Wim'!The roofs of Paris are distinctive visual elements, their red tiles and their unique panorama, which make it possible to immediately recognize the city. They reflect the varied architecture of the city, ranging from historic buildings to more modern constructions. You can observe mansard roofs, typical of...
Baie de Somme Bienvenue en Baie de Somme ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Malo les Bains Malo-les-bains is one of the residential areas of Dunkirk renowned for its famous sea wall, a place for locals to stroll as soon as the sun comes up. Lined with terraces, seafood restaurants and ice cream parlors that will delight everyone. Comfortably installed in your deckchair, holidays at the beach will leave you with many...
Détente à Berck-sur-Mer Berck-sur-Mer, station balnéaire familiale située sur la Côte d'Opale à une quinzaine de kilomètre du Touquet est labellisée "Station Kid" et "Famille Plus". Berck offre de nombreuses activités de plage pour les enfants et investit dans la qualité d'accueil aux familles (hébergements, animations, etc). À ne pas manquer chaque...
Saint-Omer "Le Marais" Enveloppe non fournies.
Boulogne-sur-Mer - "Balade en Vieille-Ville" Qui n'aime pas faire une balade en vieille ville, avec ce charme des rues pavées, des maisons bourgeoises, de la Basiilique qui surplombe Boulogne? Avez vous déjà entendu parler du trésor de la Côte d'Opale?Enveloppe non comprise.
The atmosphere during matches at the Stade Bollaert-Delelis in Lens is electric and passionate. Racing Club de Lens supporters are renowned for their fervor and dedication to their team. Before the match, the streets fill with fans dressed in club colors, singing anthems and gathering around bars and cafes to share their excitement. In the stadium, the...
Built in the 13th century by the Genoese to protect the city from maritime invasions, the Citadel is an ancient fortress located in the town of Calvi, Corsica, France. It is located on a rocky promontory overlooking the port of Calvi and offers a panoramic view of the Mediterranean Sea and the surrounding area. The Citadel of Calvi is a popular tourist...
Dunkerque "Le Carnaval" L'histoire de Dunkerque est liée à la mer du Nord. La ville se développa autour de son port.Le Carnaval est également un des évènement les plus important de l'année, les festivités, la gaieté et la camaraderie y règnent en maître… les hommages à Jean Bart le corsaire se multiplient lors de cet évènement! Enveloppe non fournie.
Nieuwpoort Harbor Pier is a long wooden footbridge that stretches out into the North Sea from Nieuwpoort Marina. It offers a panoramic view of the coast, the port and the maritime horizon. Nieuwpoort has one of the largest marinas in Europe. It is very popular with sailing and water sports enthusiasts. The marina offers modern facilities, restaurants,...
The link between Jean Bart (a famous French privateer who lived in the 17th century) and the Carnival of Dunkirk lies in the fact that the carnival is often seen as a celebration of the spirit of the city's privateers, who played an important role in its history. Carnival costumes and traditions, such as black hats and mussels, are inspired by the outfits...
Le Touquet - "Plonge'art" Le grand plongeoir du Touquet Paris Plage illustré par Wim'. Aux nuances de bleu et de blanc, cette carte postale a un style vintage qui ne laisse pas indifférent. Enveloppe non comprise.
Carte Postale Deauville "Parasols" Le charme et la classe de Deauville résumée en une illustration. Ville tournée vers la mer, Deauville incarne le luxe à la Française allié à son savoir vivre. Le golf, l'équitation et les courses de chevaux, la voile, sont plus que de simples loisirs à Deauville, c'est un art de vivre. Enveloppe non comprise.
Boulogne-sur-Mer - "Du côté de Boulogne" Baladez-vous en vieille ville, avec ce charme des rues pavées, des maisons bourgeoises, de la Basilique qui surplombe Boulogne? Connaissez-vous le trésor de la Côte d'Opale?Enveloppe non comprise.
Lille, located in the north of France, is a dynamic and cultural city. It is the main commune of the European Metropolis of Lille, which brings together 94 other communes. Lille is proud to host events such as the Braderie de Lille and the Olympic Games. Its history dates back to Roman times, and it prospered thanks to the wool and linen trade. Today,...
Boulogne-sur-Mer is a coastal town classified as a “Town of Art and History”. Its rich historical heritage dates back to Roman times, and the remains of its past are visible in the cobbled streets of the town centre. The Notre-Dame Basilica is an impressive example of neo-Gothic architecture. The Château de Boulogne-sur-Mer offers panoramic views of the...
Les cabines de WimereuxQui ne connait pas les célèbres cabines des plages de la Côte d'Opale? À Wimereux, les cabines allient le charme au fonctionnel!Le code couleur bleu et blanc des cabines met en valeur l'une des plus belles digues du Nord! Enveloppe non comprise.
Le Portel "Fort de l'Heurt" La Côte d'Opale, cette perle de beauté dans le Nord qui regroupe des petits bijoux historiques !. Enveloppe non fournie.
DouaiUne jolie carte postale qui rappelle les vacances! Enveloppe non comprise.
Le Tréport Bienvenue au Tréport ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Le Touquet - "Rue Saint Jean" Traversez la rue la plus commerçante et dynamique du Touquet. Vous y trouverez des magasins, des restaurant, un casino… et surtout, elle vous mènera jusqu'à la belle et grande plage du Touquet!Enveloppe non comprise.
Wimereux - "On va se faire une Digue". La phrase emblématique des gens habitant le coin: "on va se faire une digue?" Rien de tel pour profiter du grand air, qu'il vente, qu'il pleuve ou avec un temps radieux, il n'y a pas de saison pour faire une digue! Enveloppe non comprise.
Stella-Plage "Détente" Ses longues plages de sable fin se prêtent à toutes les activités possibles, de la simple baignade au char à voile en passant par la pêche à pied… Enveloppe non comprise.
Cadre en chêne au format intégral de 40X50cm et pouvant accueillir nos affiches 30 x40 cm grâce à son Passe-partout (inclus) en donnant ainsi un effet de grandeur magnifique - Fenêtre en verre - Fixations à l'arrière permettant une pose murale Disponible uniquement en retrait boutique Click & collect au 17 rue de la Bourse à Lille (59800)
Calais Retrouvez le magnifique et célèbre Hôtel de ville de Calais au format carte postale! Un petit souvenir facile à envoyer!Enveloppe non comprise.
Étretat - "Vue sur Etretat" Cette carte postale est la suite logique de la beauté des paysages d'Etretat. La mer, la campagne, les falaises, et cette douceur de vivre qui fait d'Etretat une ville balnéaire si attirante. Enveloppe non comprise.
Le Touquet - les cabines Une carte postale colorée des cabines du Touquet-Paris-Plage! Et derrière les cabines, la plage de sable et la mer! Une carte postale idéale pour se rappeler les vacances!Enveloppe non comprise.
Amiens - Sous Le Charme Bienvenue à Amiens, une magnifique vue sur le quartier Saint-Leu et sa magnifique Cathédrale ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Baie de Somme Bienvenue en Baie de Somme ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Carte postale colorée de Bray-Dunes ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Béthune "Grand'Place" Enveloppe non comprise.
Malo-les-Bains "Détente" Malo-les-bains est l'un des quartiers résidentiels de Dunkerque réputé par sa célèbre digue, lieu de balade des autochtones dès que le soleil pointe le bout de son nez. Bordée de terrasse, de restaurants de fruits de mer et de glaciers qui font la joie de tous. Confortablement installé dans votre transat, les vacances à la plage...
Hardelot has beautiful fine sandy beaches that stretch for several kilometres. Visitors can soak up the sun, bathe in the waters of the North Sea or practice water activities such as sailing, kitesurfing and windsurfing.
Le Crotoy détente Le Crotoy est une charmante station balnéaire familiale situé en Baie de Somme à proximité du parc du Marquenterre lieu de prédilection pour les amoureux de la nature.Le Crotoy connut son heure de gloire au début du siècle lorsque le parfumeur Guerlain fit découvrir à la belle société parisienne, les joies des bains de mer. Enveloppe non...
Rue Saint-Jean is an emblematic street located in the seaside resort of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage. This street is very lively and is a real nerve center of the social and commercial life of the city. Visitors and residents flock to this street to shop, eat, enjoy the sidewalk cafes, or simply stroll and take in the resort vibe. Rue Saint-Jean is located in...
Welcome to the mining basin!Corons are historic workers' housing that were common in northern France, built to house industrial workers. They bear witness to the industrial history of the region and have left a lasting cultural impact.
Come and rediscover the Place des Héros in Arras! Place des Héros in Arras is an emblematic square in the heart of the city, renowned for its remarkable architecture. Surrounded by Flemish buildings from the 17th century, it is decorated with colorful and elegant facades. This square is a lively meeting place, lined with cafes, restaurants and shops,...
The Canche lighthouse, also known as the "lighthouse of Le Touquet", is at the mouth of the Canche river, hence its name. This iconic Le Touquet lighthouse is conical in shape, with a red brick tower and a white lantern at the top. It is open to the public and offers guided tours that allow visitors to admire the panoramic view of the coast and the Canche...
Samer "La Maison du Cheval Boulonnais" La Côte d'Opale, cette perle de beauté dans le Nord! Balayée par le vent et la mer, cet écrin aux couleurs toujours changeantes en fait un lieu unique où les Nordistes aiment se ressourcer.Vous aurez certainement reconnu le Cap Blanc-Nez et les chemins de randonnées du littoral…Enveloppe non comprise.
The (or the) Duchess Anne, ex-Grossherzogin Elisabeth is the largest sailing ship, and the last square three-masted ship, preserved in France. Built in 1901, it is considered a masterpiece of naval architecture, notably due to the streamlined shape of its steel hull and the general balance of the ship, which provide a large capacity of living space. ,...
Étaples-Sur-Mer Une jolie carte postale qui rappelle les vacances! Enveloppe non comprise.
The atmosphere during matches at the Stade Bollaert-Delelis in Lens is electric and passionate. Racing Club de Lens supporters are renowned for their fervor and dedication to their team. Before the match, the streets fill with fans dressed in club colors, singing anthems and gathering around bars and cafes to share their excitement. In the stadium, the...
Deauville - "Ville de Plaisirs" Le charme et la classe de Deauville résumée en une illustration. Ville tournée vers la mer, Deauville incarne le luxe à la Française allié à son savoir vivre. Le golf, l'équitation et les courses de chevaux, la voile, sont plus que de simples loisirs à Deauville, c'est un art de vivre. Enveloppe non comprise.
Dieppe Une jolie carte postale qui rappelle les vacances ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Wissant, a charming seaside resort on the northern coast of France, offers a unique blend of natural beauty and authenticity. Bordered by sand dunes and towering cliffs, this picturesque town is an outdoor enthusiast's paradise. Visitors can enjoy its vast sandy beaches, ideal for relaxation and water sports. With its preserved landscapes, its maritime...
The Bay of Somme is a vast bay located on the northern coast of France, in Picardy. It is renowned for its preserved natural landscapes, its marshes, its dunes, and its rich birdlife. The bay is a popular site for birdwatching and tourism, providing opportunities for hiking and exploring nature.
Sangatte Situé sur la Côte d'Opale près de Calais, Sangatte est connue depuis longtemps pour la première traversée aérienne de la Manche qu'a réussie Louis Blériot le 25 juillet 1909. Sangatte - Plage de Blériot-Plage est une station balnéaire naturelle et familiale située à la porte du Parc Naturel des Caps et Marais d'Opale, entre Calais et...
30x40cmWelcome to the region of the Mining Basin with a symbol of their history: The slag heaps!These “mountains” are artificial mounds of mining waste created as a result of coal mining in Northern France. They are now iconic sites in the region, offering hiking opportunities and scenic views. These slag heaps bear witness to the mining history of the...
Fort-Mahon-Plage cité balnéaire au sud de la Baie d'Authie Idéal pour les amoureux de la nature grâce au Parc du Marquenterre qui se trouve à proximité. Enveloppe non fournie.
Wim' takes you on a walk to the Château d'Hardelot!Hardelot Castle was built in the 16th century by the English architect Robert Fagot for the family of Thomas Arundel, an English nobleman. It once served as a pleasure residence for wealthy aristocrats. A magnificent Renaissance-style chateau, it is located in the heart of the Hardelot national forest,...
City Road Sign "Côte d'Opale" Size: 42x20cm Material: PVC Thickness: 5mm A must in any era: the City Road Sign! We all have a memory of those signs that lead us to the path of holidays, weekends or meetings... If this sign speaks to you, it will also please your interior by bringing this vintage and nostalgic touch that we are fond of.
Wim' vous emmène en Normandie pour profiter de ses magnifiques plages de sable fin qui s'étendent sur des kilomètres le long de la côte. Les plages les plus populaires incluent la plage d'Omaha Beach, la plage d'Étretat et la plage de Deauville. Ces plages offrent des vues spectaculaires sur la mer, des falaises escarpées et des formations rocheuses...
Toulouse - "La Chocolatine" A Toulouse, on ne mange que des chocolatines! Et on en est fier!Enveloppe non comprise.
Blériot Blériot-Plage village situé sur la Côte d'Opale à 5mn du Cap Blanc-Nez possède une plage de sable en continuité avec la plage de Calais, idéale pour passer un moment en famille. Vous aurez la possibilité de pratiquer toutes les activités de loisirs de bord de mer: promenade dans les chemins balisés à travers les dunes, pêche de bord de mer, mais...
Le Touquet - "Mon Touquet" Carte postale aux coloris pastels et reprenant les grands symboles de la vie Touquettoise. Le plongeoir, la joie de vivre, l'équitation, les cabines de plage, le Touquet en quelques images! Sobre et vintage, cette affiche sera une petite pépite dans votre intérieur! Enveloppe non comprise.
The link between Jean Bart (a famous French privateer who lived in the 17th century) and the Carnival of Dunkirk lies in the fact that the carnival is often seen as a celebration of the spirit of the city's privateers, who played an important role in its history. Carnival costumes and traditions, such as black hats and mussels, are inspired by the outfits...
Fort-Mahon-Plage offers a variety of activities for beach lovers, nature lovers and those looking to relax in a picturesque coastal setting. The fine sandy beaches of Fort-Mahon-Plage are the main attraction. You can relax in the sun, swim in the sea or engage in beach sports like beach volleyball.
The Nieuwpoort lighthouse, built in 1949 after the destruction of the old one by the Germans, is emblematic with its red and white bands and its location in the 'De IJzermonding' nature reserve with a rare wealth of fauna and flora. . The fresh water of the Yser flows directly into the North Sea. The tides have created a unique region of salt meadows and...
The link between Jean Bart (a famous French privateer who lived in the 17th century) and the Carnival of Dunkirk lies in the fact that the carnival is often seen as a celebration of the spirit of the city's privateers, who played an important role in its history. Carnival costumes and traditions, such as black hats and mussels, are inspired by the outfits...
Détente à Équihen-Plage Situé proche de la ville du Le Portel et Hardelot, la plage d'Equihen est de sable fin qui s'étend de l'estuaire de la Warenne aux falaises du Cap d'Alprech. Baignée à chaque marée, elle offre un espace idéal à la baignade, à la promenade, à la pêche à pied, à la pêche de bord de mer. Enveloppe non fournie.
Wim' no longer introduces you to Le Touquet-Paris-Plage but continues to share with you the places to visit!Built in 1931, the Town Hall of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage is located in the heart of the seaside resort. Typical of the Belle Époque, this Art Deco building is characterized by an elegant and sophisticated style. The height of the belfry is 38 meters...
Welcome to the region of the Mining Basin with a symbol of their history: The slag heaps!These “mountains” are artificial mounds of mining waste created as a result of coal mining in Northern France. They are now iconic sites in the region, offering hiking opportunities and scenic views. These slag heaps bear witness to the mining history of the region.
Toulouse - "Le Soleil du Sud Illustration sur Toulouse au look vintage. On y retrouvera les grands symboles de la ville : La Grave, La Garonne, la basilique saint Sernin, etc... pour le plaisir des yeux!Enveloppe non comprise.
Wimereux is a seaside resort that combines historic charm with natural beauty. Nestled on the north-western edge of the city of Boulogne-sur-Mer, it offers breathtaking views of the English Channel. Its elegant Belle Époque-style villas and cottages line the seafront promenade, creating an unforgettable landscape. The fine sand and pebble beach invites...
Arras Retrouvez la ville d'Arras et ses symboles uniques au format carte postale! Un petit souvenir facile à envoyer!Enveloppe non comprise.
Arras Retrouvez la ville d'Arras et ses symboles uniques au format carte postale! Un petit souvenir facile à envoyer!Enveloppe non comprise.
Cassel Une jolie carte postale qui rappelle les vacances ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Merlimont "Plage" | Postcard | 10x15cmEnveloppe non comprise.
Wim' makes you discover the architecture of Lyons-la-Forêt. Its narrow, cobbled streets are lined with old houses, some dating from the 16th century. Influenced by the half-timbered houses, characteristic of its region, these are made of wood and cob, exposed beams and its facades are often decorated with the cross of Saint Andrew. The half-timbering,...
A match day in Lens, especially at a sporting event at the Stade Bollaert-Delelis, is a vibrant and exciting experience. This stadium is the scene of the meetings of the Racing Club de Lens, an emblematic football club of the region. On match days, the city of Lens comes alive, supporters gather in a fiery and colorful atmosphere, wearing the colors of...
Welcome to Dieppe and its marina, located in the heart of the historic city! Nothing better than a beautiful sunny day for a walk along the touristy Quai Henri IV, along the Ango basin. With its two hundred and ninety-two dry dock berths arranged in the form of refit, this place is a starting point for various exciting activities or getaways! Water sports...
Wim' honors fans of the legendary Enduro du Touquet!Motocross competition which takes place every year on the beach of the seaside resort of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, in the north of France. It is one of the most prestigious and difficult races in the sport. Thousands of drivers, professionals and amateurs, compete in this long and grueling event, covering...
After having represented its beach, its castle, we wanted to highlight the illustrious Villas Cordonnier which embody the elegance of the seaside resort! Louis-Marie Cordonnier will have designed around twenty villas, some of which have escaped the torments of war, so if you pass through Hardelot, take the time to admire the sublime works of this renowned...
Hardelot détente "Collection Détente" La station balnéaire d 'Hardelot-Plage et sa plage de 3 km de sable fin se situe au cœur du Parc Naturel Régional entre Boulogne-sur-Mer et Le Touquet. Côté environnement, Hardelot-Plage offre aux amateurs de la marche des randonnées dans le massif dunaire protégé qui culmine à 90 mètres vous offrant une vue...
Wim' honors fans of the legendary Enduro du Touquet!Motocross competition which takes place every year on the beach of the seaside resort of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, in the north of France. It is one of the most prestigious and difficult races in the sport. Thousands of drivers, professionals and amateurs, compete in this long and grueling event, covering...
30x40cm Why does Wim' take you to the quays of Wambrechies?Because the quays of Wambrechies are a remarkable natural site in the North of France. It is a set of banks along the Deûle, a river that crosses the region. The quays offer many leisure activities, including walking, cycling, fishing and water sports. You can also admire the boats that sail on...
Orléans - Place du Martroi Bienvenue à Orléans sur la jolie place du Martroi ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Provence Enveloppe non comprise. Egalement disponible au format 30x40cm : voir la fiche produit Egalement disponible au format 50x70cm : voir la fiche produit
La Baie de Somme "Collection Détente" La baie de Somme est la destination idéale des vacanciers en quête d'une région sauvage et préservée. Bord de mer, villages, découverte de la nature, randonnée…Enveloppe non comprise.
Carte Postale Les Villes Sœurs Illustration de la communauté de commune Les villes Sœurs au format carte postale 10x15cm. Communauté de commune regroupant 28 communes françaises située dans les départements de la Seine-Maritime, en région Normandie, et de la Somme, dans les Hauts-de-France. Elle regroupe les communes de Eu, Allenay, Ault, Baromesnil,...
Place aux Oignons is located near many of Lille's tourist attractions, such as Grand'Place, Vieille Bourse, Notre-Dame de la Treille Cathedral and Rue de la Monnaie. Place aux Oignons is a charming square in Old Lille, known for its picturesque atmosphere, its half-timbered houses and its lively café terraces. It's a nice place to relax, enjoy local...
30x40cmThe (or the) Duchess Anne, ex-Grossherzogin Elisabeth is the largest sailing ship, and the last square three-masted ship, preserved in France. Built in 1901, it is considered a masterpiece of naval architecture, notably due to the streamlined shape of its steel hull and the general balance of the ship, which provide a large capacity of living...
Come and rediscover the Place des Héros in Arras! Place des Héros in Arras is an emblematic square in the heart of the city, renowned for its remarkable architecture. Surrounded by Flemish buildings from the 17th century, it is decorated with colorful and elegant facades. This square is a lively meeting place, lined with cafes, restaurants and shops,...
Our superb decorative poster of L'ÎLE ROUSSE highlights Haute Corse. Between fine sandy beaches, secret coves and crystal clear waters, L'ÎLE ROUSSE offers breathtaking panoramas. Explore the quaint alleyways, bustling markets, and historical relics that make this island so charming. L'ÎLE ROUSSE is also renowned for its local crafts and tasty cuisine....
30x40cm The link between Jean Bart (a famous French privateer who lived in the 17th century) and the Carnival of Dunkirk lies in the fact that the carnival is often seen as a celebration of the spirit of the city's privateers, who played an important role in its history. Carnival costumes and traditions, such as black hats and mussels, are inspired by the...
Lumbres - Pays de Lumbres Enveloppe non comprise.
Montreuil-sur-Mer "Rue du Clape en Bas" Enveloppe non fournies.
Wim' is off to explore the Platier d'Oye, a nature reserve located right next to the beach, in the Oye Plage sector. It is a vast expanse of marshes, dunes and grasslands which is home to a great diversity of bird species and other wildlife. Platier d'Oye is a haven for bird watchers and nature lovers, offering opportunities for bird watching and walks in...
Côte Ouest "Chemin de la Plage" Profitez des eaux de la Côte Ouest française, découvrez sa culture et partez à la conquête de son paysage typique… L'affiche a un côté moderne et vintage à la fois, lui permettant de s'intégrer facilement dans tout type de décor, notamment dans les maisons de vacances! Enveloppe non comprise.
Toulouse - "Toi, Toi, Mon Toit" Illustration sur Toulouse au look vintage. On y retrouvera les grands symboles de la ville : La Grave, La Garonne, la basilique saint Sernin, etc... pour le plaisir des yeux!Enveloppe non comprise.
Fort-Mahon-Plage cité balnéaire au sud de la Baie d'Authie Idéal pour les amoureux de la nature grâce au Parc du Marquenterre qui se trouve à proximité. Enveloppe non fournie.
Cayeux-sur-Mer De grands cerfs-volants multicolores surgissent et disparaissent inlassablement au-dessus du cordon de galets de Cayeux-sur-Mer. Des planches à voile peut-être ? Non, il y a bien longtemps que tout le monde à Cayeux a troqué sa bonne vieille « fun board », pour du matériel de kite. Enveloppe non comprise.
Calais is located on the Opal Coast, on the edge of the Pas de Calais which marks the boundary between the English Channel and the North Sea. With Cap Blanc-Nez located 10 km further north, and therefore closer to Calais, it forms the Grand Site des Deux Caps, labeled a Grand Site de France since 2011, one of the main tourist sites in the north of...
The team brings you to the Château de Nieppe!Bordered by a vast park and a stone's throw from the historic centre, the castle has had several lives since its creation in the 17th century… After a first turbulent centenary of looting and following the Revolution, the castle suffered immense damage. At the end of the 19th century, the decision was taken to...
Côte d'Opale "Collection Détente" La Côte d'Opale région côtière des Haut-de-France bordant la Manche et la Mer du Nord face aux falaises anglaises commence au nord à la frontière belge pour se terminer au sud à la Baie d'Authie voisin de la Baie de Somme (+ de 120 km) Mais ses principaux atouts sont le Grand site des Deux-Caps avec sur sont territoire le...
Discover the rooftops of Paris with Wim'!The roofs of Paris are distinctive visual elements, their red tiles and their unique panorama, which make it possible to immediately recognize the city. They reflect the varied architecture of the city, ranging from historic buildings to more modern constructions. You can observe mansard roofs, typical of Parisian...
Le Touquet - "Piscine" Retrouver le style Wim' dans cette carte postale du Touquet-Paris-Plage. Un style vintage pour cette cité balnéaire au caractère incroyable!Enveloppe non comprise.
Mont Saint-Michel, located in Normandy or Brittany, is an architectural and natural wonder of exceptional beauty. This rocky island is crowned by a medieval abbey which seems to emerge from the waters at high tide. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mont Saint-Michel attracts millions of visitors each year, drawn by its fascinating history, stunning...
Étretat - "Etret'Art" Une nouvelle illustration dans un style art déco! Classe et chaleureuse, cette carte postale sur les falaises d'Etretat sera idéale pour un souvenir à garder chez soi. Enveloppe non comprise.
Cayeux-sur-Mer De grands cerfs-volants multicolores surgissent et disparaissent inlassablement au-dessus du cordon de galets de Cayeux-sur-Mer. Des planches à voile peut-être ? Non, il y a bien longtemps que tout le monde à Cayeux a troqué sa bonne vieille « fun board », pour du matériel de kite. Enveloppe non comprise.
Lille, located in the north of France, is a dynamic and cultural city. It is the main commune of the European Metropolis of Lille, which brings together 94 other communes. Lille is proud to host events such as the Braderie de Lille and the Olympic Games. Its history dates back to Roman times, and it prospered thanks to the wool and linen trade. Today,...
The Grand'Place in Lille is an emblematic and lively square, surrounded by superb buildings of Flemish architecture. You can see richly decorated facades, stepped gables, carved ornaments and wrought iron balconies. In the center of the Grand'Place is the Hôtel de Ville de Lille, an imposing 17th century building. Its belfry rises proudly above the...
City Road Sign "Wimereux" Size: 42x20cm Material: PVC Thickness: 5mm A must in any era: the City Road Sign! We all have a memory of those signs that lead us to the path of holidays, weekends or meetings... If this sign speaks to you, it will also please your interior by bringing this vintage and nostalgic touch that we are fond of.
Boulogne-sur-Mer is a coastal town classified as a “Town of Art and History”. Its rich historical heritage dates back to Roman times, and the remains of its past are visible in the cobbled streets of the town centre. The Notre-Dame Basilica is an impressive example of neo-Gothic architecture. The Château de Boulogne-sur-Mer offers panoramic views of the...
Boulogne-sur-Mer "Collection Détente" Qui n'aime pas faire une balade en vieille ville, avec ce charme des rues pavées, des maisons bourgeoises, de la Basilique qui surplombe Boulogne? Avez-vous déjà entendu parler du trésor de la Côte d'Opale?Enveloppe non comprise.
Why does Wim' take you to the quays of Wambrechies?Because the quays of Wambrechies are a remarkable natural site in the North of France. It is a set of banks along the Deûle, a river that crosses the region. The quays offer many leisure activities, including walking, cycling, fishing and water sports. You can also admire the boats that sail on the river,...
Welcome to Fecamp! The cliffs of Fécamp rise majestically above the ocean, forming imposing and steep walls. Their natural beauty and fascinating geology attract many visitors. The harbor is bustling, vibrant and picturesque, with colorful fishing boats moored alongside the quays. Here you can watch the fishermen unloading their fresh catch, which creates...
Nantes "Toi, Toi, Mon Toit" Enveloppe non fournies.
Wimereux is a seaside resort that combines historic charm with natural beauty. Nestled on the north-western edge of the city of Boulogne-sur-Mer, it offers breathtaking views of the English Channel. Its elegant Belle Époque-style villas and cottages line the seafront promenade, creating an unforgettable landscape. The fine sand and pebble beach invites...
The Bay of Somme is a vast bay located on the northern coast of France, in Picardy. It is renowned for its preserved natural landscapes, its marshes, its dunes, and its rich birdlife. The bay is a popular site for birdwatching and tourism, providing opportunities for hiking and exploring nature.
Wim' takes you to one of the most famous shopping streets in Orléans: Rue Jeanne d'Arc. It is named after the French heroine who liberated the city from the English in the 15th century. The street is lined with shops, restaurants, cafes and boutiques, as well as historical monuments such as the statue and the House of Joan of Arc. The Sainte-Croix...
Bergues Une jolie carte postale qui rappelle les vacances ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Wim' takes you to Roubaix, to see its magnificent Town Hall, built by the architect Victor Laloux and inaugurated in 1911. At the time, Roubaix was the world capital of wool and therefore had a Town Hall to the height of this status. Admire its sculpted central facade decorated with the symbols that made Roubaix so powerful: Cotton harvesting and wool...
Wim' is off to explore the Platier d'Oye, a nature reserve located right next to the beach, in the Oye Plage sector. It is a vast expanse of marshes, dunes and grasslands which is home to a great diversity of bird species and other wildlife. Platier d'Oye is a haven for bird watchers and nature lovers, offering opportunities for bird watching and walks in...
Wim' shares with you a city steeped in history. Richelieu is nicknamed "the gateway city" because of its strategic role as a gateway to the Touraine region. In the 17th century, the town was designed by Cardinal Richelieu to serve as a fortified stronghold and checkpoint on the main roads leading into the Loire Valley. The enclosure and its monumental...
Built in the 13th century by the Genoese to protect the city from maritime invasions, the Citadel is an ancient fortress located in the town of Calvi, Corsica, France. It is located on a rocky promontory overlooking the port of Calvi and offers a panoramic view of the Mediterranean Sea and the surrounding area. The Citadel of Calvi is a popular tourist...
A match day in Lens, especially at a sporting event at the Stade Bollaert-Delelis, is a vibrant and exciting experience. This stadium is the scene of the meetings of the Racing Club de Lens, an emblematic football club of the region. On match days, the city of Lens comes alive, supporters gather in a fiery and colorful atmosphere, wearing the colors of...
Welcome to the mining basin!Corons are historic workers' housing that were common in northern France, built to house industrial workers. They bear witness to the industrial history of the region and have left a lasting cultural impact.
Le Portel, a picturesque town on the northern coast of France, enchants with its golden sandy beaches and its rich maritime heritage. Visitors can enjoy delicious cuisine showcasing seafood and participate in a multitude of outdoor activities. Between invigorating seaside walks and cultural discoveries during lively festivals, Le Portel offers an...
Our stunning decorative poster from Seclin highlights this charming French commune located in the Nord department, in the Hauts-de-France region. Just 9.6 km south of Lille, Seclin offers the perfect balance between city life and peaceful atmosphere. Seclin has a rich historical heritage, green spaces conducive to relaxation and is the seat of the largest...
Have a check to the 2024 poster of the legendary Braderie de Lille! Does this scene look familiar to you... Coming back from the event with all your bargains packed into your car!? For the first time, the iconic event of northern France will take place on September 14th and 15th! Attracting over two million visitors from around the world and considered...
Welcome to Escalles, a small village bordered by pretty rolling countryside and located at the foot of Cap Blanc-Nez. It is mainly made up of traditional houses, long and low, built in Marquise stone.The spot shown is called Cran d'Escalles, a beach known to the locals, which may be a good way to end the 2 caps hike... From there, you have a breathtaking...
Côte d'Opale La Côte d'Opale région côtière des Haut-de-France bordant la Manche et la Mer du Nord face aux falaises anglaises commence au nord à la frontière belge pour se terminer au sud à la Baie d'Authie voisin de la Baie de Somme (+ de 120 km) Mais ses principaux atouts sont le Grand site des Deux-Caps avec sur sont territoire le Cap Blanc-Nez et le...
Cadre non inclus. Affiche emballée sous blister et envoyée sous enveloppe cartonnée renforcée. -------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFRES PERMANENTES - Frais de port OFFERTS pour l'achat de 2 affiches minimum - 4ème affiche OFFERTE pour l'achat de 3 affiches (n'oubliez pas de l'inclure dans votre...
Puzzle/Poster of Lisbonne Format: Portrait - 48 cm (L) x 68 cm (H) 1000 pieces
The Hospices de Beaune, also known as the Hôtel-Dieu de Beaune, is an iconic historical monument founded in the 15th century by Chancellor Nicolas Rolin and his wife, Guigone de Salins, this building is a masterpiece of flamboyant Gothic architecture. This magnificent hospice is famous for its colorful glazed tile roof and picturesque interior courtyard....
Linselles Une jolie carte postale qui rappelle les vacances! Enveloppe non comprise.
Une carte postale colorée de Sarlat! Carte postale au format 10X15cm Enveloppe non comprise.
“Hey Matantes and Mononcles, it’s time to do Chapelle with your more biaw Clet’che!”The Dunkirk Carnival is back, like every year, this time with a little trip to Gins!Nothing religious, doing chapel means meeting in homes, with friends, in private, to eat and start hostilities all together!Festive and caring, Carnival remains a must in Dunkirk!
Saint-Valery-sur-Somme "Collection Détente" Prenez le temps de découvrir la cité médiévale, les vestiges des remparts, les tours Guillaume, les petites rues pavéeset fleuries, l’église Saint-Martin et ses ex-votos, ou simplement de flâner sur les quais qui bordent la Baie de Somme. Descendez par le quartier des marins « Le Courtgain » et découvrez les...
Soissons Soissons est historiquement connue pour avoir été la première capitale de la France, après Tournai (ville actuellement en Belgique). Elle est surnommée « la cité du Vase ». Enveloppe non comprise.
Mers-Les-Bains Mers les Bains n'est pas connu que pour la beauté de sa plage, elle est aussi adorée pour ses somptueuses villas de bord de mer.Avec leur style balnéaire d'antan et leur couleurs vives, ces jolies maisons séduisent touristes et riverains au quotidien.Enveloppe non comprise.
Wissant "Collection Détente" Situé sur la Côte d'Opale, le paisible et coquet village de Wissant de 1300 habitants est niché entre le Cap Blanc-Nezet le Cap Gris-Nez avec en arrière pays le bocage boulonnais. Enveloppe non fournie.
Nieuwpoort Harbor Pier is a long wooden footbridge that stretches out into the North Sea from Nieuwpoort Marina. It offers a panoramic view of the coast, the port and the maritime horizon. Nieuwpoort has one of the largest marinas in Europe. It is very popular with sailing and water sports enthusiasts. The marina offers modern facilities, restaurants,...
Étaples-Sur-Mer Une jolie carte postale qui rappelle les vacances! Enveloppe non comprise.
Our decorative poster of Val de Marque highlights this magnificent region located in the Nord department, in the Hauts-de-France region. Between green valleys, winding rivers and peaceful forests, Val de Marque offers breathtaking panoramas. Explore the historical remains, castles and churches that bear witness to the rich past of this region. Val de...
Wim' shares with you a city steeped in history. Richelieu is nicknamed "the gateway city" because of its strategic role as a gateway to the Touraine region. In the 17th century, the town was designed by Cardinal Richelieu to serve as a fortified stronghold and checkpoint on the main roads leading into the Loire Valley. The enclosure and its monumental...
Équihen-Plage "Collection Détente" Situé proche de la ville du Le Portel et Hardelot, la plage d'Equihen est de sable fin qui s'étend de l'estuaire de la Warenne aux falaises du Cap d'Alprech. Baignée à chaque marée, elle offre un espace idéal à la baignade, à la promenade, à la pêche à pied, à la pêche de bord de mer. Enveloppe non fournie.
Welcome to Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei, a village in the Orne department of Normandy, classified among the most beautiful villages in France. Nestled in a bend of the Sarthe River, it is renowned for its rich historical and artistic heritage. The Romanesque church from the 11th century, dedicated to Saint Céneri, overlooks the valley and houses medieval...
Cap Ferret is a peninsula located on the French Atlantic coast, in the Gironde department. Known for its unspoiled natural beauty, this destination attracts visitors with its sandy beaches, wild dunes and pine forests. Cap Ferret is also famous for its picturesque fishing huts, oyster villages and fresh oyster tastings. Popular activities include...
City Road Sign "Lille" Size: 42x20cm Material: PVC Thickness: 5mm A must in any era: the City Road Sign! We all have a memory of those signs that lead us to the path of holidays, weekends or meetings... If this sign speaks to you, it will also please your interior by bringing this vintage and nostalgic touch that we are fond of.
Panneau "Le Touquet" Size: 42x20cm Material: PVC Thickness: 5mm A must in any era: the City Road Sign! We all have a memory of those signs that lead us to the path of holidays, weekends or meetings... If this sign speaks to you, it will also please your interior by bringing this vintage and nostalgic touch that we are fond of.
Puzzle/Poster de Amsterdam Format: Portrait - 48 cm (L) x 68 cm (H) 1000 pieces
City Road Sign "Boulogne-sur-Mer" Size: 42x20cm Material: PVC Thickness: 5mm A must in any era: the City Road Sign! We all have a memory of those signs that lead us to the path of holidays, weekends or meetings... If this sign speaks to you, it will also please your interior by bringing this vintage and nostalgic touch that we are fond of.
Le Portel, a picturesque town on the northern coast of France, enchants with its golden sandy beaches and its rich maritime heritage. Visitors can enjoy delicious cuisine showcasing seafood and participate in a multitude of outdoor activities. Between invigorating seaside walks and cultural discoveries during lively festivals, Le Portel offers an...
30x40cm Welcome to Villedieu-les-Poêles in Normandy! Let's take a moment to look at the washhouses on the edge of Siena, these historic structures located in the city. They were built to allow residents to wash their laundry using water from the Seine. Today, some of these washhouses have been restored and are used for tourist, cultural and educational...
Valenciennes is a city with a rich cultural past. Nicknamed "the Athens of the North", it was a prosperous industrial and mining city in the 19th century thanks to the Anzin Mining Company. Located at the confluence of the Rhonelle and the Escaut, Valenciennes offers a mix of history, heritage and contemporary dynamism. Place d'Armes is a shopping centre...
The Art Deco swimming pool in Le Touquet was built in 1931 by architect Jean-Philippe Poteau in the Art Deco style that was popular at the time. It was destined to become a major attraction for the seaside resort of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, which was very popular in the 1920s and 1930s. The swimming pool has been designed as an elegant and functional...
Amiens - La Cathédrale Bienvenue à Amiens, nous vous emmenons à la découverte de l'un des symboles emblématiques de la ville, sa Cathédrale ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Panneau "Hardelot" Format: 42 x 20 cm Matériau : PVC Épaisseur : 5mm Un incontournable à toute époque: le panneau routier!On a tous un souvenir de ses panneaux qui nous dirigent vers le chemin des vacances, des week-ends ou des rencontres… Si ce panneau vous parle, il plaira également à votre intérieur en apportant cette touche vintage et nostalgique dont...
Mers-les-Bains "Collection Détente" Enveloppe non fournies.
Welcome to Le Portel !Located on the Opal Coast in Pas-de-Calais, this fine sand beach extends over 1.5 km. The Panorama towards the sea offers an incredible view of the Fort de l'Heurt, a vestige of the Napoleonic era and on the other side, the view extends over the town bordering the coast, with its businesses such as sellers of ice cream, bars,...
Saint-Valéry, a historic town located on the picturesque Bay of Somme in France, seduces with its timeless charm and rich heritage. Nestled between land and sea, it offers breathtaking landscapes, medieval streets and fascinating historical sites. Visitors can explore its majestic walls, sample fine local cuisine and indulge in a variety of outdoor...
Welcome to Fecamp! The cliffs of Fécamp rise majestically above the ocean, forming imposing and steep walls. Their natural beauty and fascinating geology attract many visitors. The harbor is bustling, vibrant and picturesque, with colorful fishing boats moored alongside the quays. Here you can watch the fishermen unloading their fresh catch, which creates...
Cap Ferret is a peninsula located on the French Atlantic coast, in the Gironde department. Known for its unspoiled natural beauty, this destination attracts visitors with its sandy beaches, wild dunes and pine forests. Cap Ferret is also famous for its picturesque fishing huts, oyster villages and fresh oyster tastings. Popular activities include...
Boulogne-sur-Mer is a coastal town classified as a “Town of Art and History”. Its rich historical heritage dates back to Roman times, and the remains of its past are visible in the cobbled streets of the town centre. The Notre-Dame Basilica is an impressive example of neo-Gothic architecture. The Château de Boulogne-sur-Mer offers panoramic views of the...
Audresselles "Collection Détente" Situé sur la Côte d'Opale, le village de pêcheurs d'Audresselles est un des plus prisé de la Côte d'Opale. Avec ses petites maisons de pêcheurs et ses longères blanches ornées de bandes de couleur au bas des murs, ce petit village de pêcheurs a conservé une architecture toute caractéristique tout en préservant son...
Wimereux "Collection Détente" Retrouvez la cabine emblématique de Wimereux au format carte postale! Un petit souvenir facile à envoyer!Enveloppe non comprise.
City Road Sign "Béthune" Size: 42x20cm Material: PVC Thickness: 5mm A must in any era: the City Road Sign! We all have a memory of those signs that lead us to the path of holidays, weekends or meetings... If this sign speaks to you, it will also please your interior by bringing this vintage and nostalgic touch that we are fond of.
Wim' takes you to Normandy to enjoy its magnificent fine sandy beaches which stretch for kilometers along the coast. The most popular beaches include Omaha Beach, Etretat Beach and Deauville Beach. These beaches offer spectacular sea views, steep cliffs and impressive rock formations.Water sports enthusiasts can also enjoy swimming, surfing,...
Let's take a walk in Beauvais to admire the superb Saint-Pierre Cathedral (guess which street it is in!? Rue Saint-Pierre… obviously!). Enter this unique place to admire its Astronomical Clock dating from the 19th century, 12 meters high, which presents the seasons, the tides, the eclipses… by animating 68 synchronized automatons! An impressive marvel!!...
Affiche d'Hardelot - "Les Villas Cordonnier" Format: Portrait - 30 cm (L) x 40 cm (H) Après avoir représenté sa plage, son château, nous avons souhaité mettre en lumière les illustres Villas Cordonnier qui incarnent l’élégance de la station balnéaire ! Louis-Marie Cordonnier aura signé une vingtaine de villas dont certaines ont échappé aux tourments de la...
30x40cmWelcome to Escalles, a small village bordered by pretty rolling countryside and located at the foot of Cap Blanc-Nez. It is mainly made up of traditional houses, long and low, built in Marquise stone.The spot shown is called Cran d'Escalles, a beach known to the locals, which may be a good way to end the 2 caps hike... From there, you have a...
City Road Sign "Corse" Size: 42x20cm Material: PVC Thickness: 5mm A must in any era: the City Road Sign! We all have a memory of those signs that lead us to the path of holidays, weekends or meetings... If this sign speaks to you, it will also please your interior by bringing this vintage and nostalgic touch that we are fond of.
Tourcoing Retrouvez la ville de Tourcoing et ses symboles uniques au format carte postale! Un petit souvenir facile à envoyer!Enveloppe non comprise.
Wim' makes you discover the architecture of Lyons-la-Forêt. Its narrow, cobbled streets are lined with old houses, some dating from the 16th century. Influenced by the half-timbered houses, characteristic of its region, these are made of wood and cob, exposed beams and its facades are often decorated with the cross of Saint Andrew. The half-timbering,...
Puzzle/Poster de Paris Format: Portrait - 48 cm (L) x 68 cm (H) 1000 pieces
Saint-Malo - Plage du Sillon Bienvenue à Saint-Malo sur la plage emblématique du Sillon ! Enveloppe non comprise.
Wim' takes you to one of the most famous shopping streets in Orléans: Rue Jeanne d'Arc. It is named after the French heroine who liberated the city from the English in the 15th century. The street is lined with shops, restaurants, cafes and boutiques, as well as historical monuments such as the statue and the House of Joan of Arc. The Sainte-Croix...
Puzzle/Poster de Paris Format: Portrait - 48 cm (L) x 68 cm (H) 1000 pieces
Valenciennes is a city with a rich cultural past. Nicknamed "the Athens of the North", it was a prosperous industrial and mining city in the 19th century thanks to the Anzin Mining Company. Located at the confluence of the Rhonelle and the Escaut, Valenciennes offers a mix of history, heritage and contemporary dynamism. Place d'Armes is a shopping centre...
Panneau "Calvi" Size: 42x20cm Material: PVC Thickness: 5mm A must in any era: the City Road Sign! We all have a memory of those signs that lead us to the path of holidays, weekends or meetings... If this sign speaks to you, it will also please your interior by bringing this vintage and nostalgic touch that we are fond of.
Panneau "Orléans" Format: 42 x 20 cm Matériau : PVC Épaisseur : 5mm Un incontournable à toute époque: le panneau routier!On a tous un souvenir de ses panneaux qui nous dirigent vers le chemin des vacances, des week-ends ou des rencontres… Si ce panneau vous parle, il plaira également à votre intérieur en apportant cette touche vintage et nostalgique dont...
Format: Portrait - 30 cm (L) x 40 cm (H) Papier de prestige texturé 300g/m2 Cadre non inclus. Affiche emballée sous blister et envoyée sous enveloppe cartonnée renforcée. -------------------------------- OFFRES PERMANENTES - Frais de port OFFERTS pour l'achat de 2 affiches minimum - 4ème affiche OFFERTE pour l'achat de 3 affiches (n'oubliez pas de...
Meaux "Balade" Une jolie carte postale qui rappelle les vacances! Enveloppe non comprise.
Welcome to the Croisette! La Croisette is a famous seafront promenade that stretches for approximately two kilometers along the bay of Cannes. Lined with palm trees, it offers a panoramic view of the sea on one side and of luxury boutiques, prestigious hotels and restaurants on the other side. It is the ideal place for a pleasant walk with the sea air and...
Puzzle/Poster de Londres Format: Portrait - 48 cm (L) x 68 cm (H) 1000 pieces
Mers-Les-Bains Mers les Bains n'est pas connu que pour la beauté de sa plage, elle est aussi adorée pour ses somptueuses villas de bord de mer.Avec leur style balnéaire d'antan et leur couleurs vives, ces jolies maisons séduisent touristes et riverains au quotidien.Enveloppe non comprise.
“Hey Matantes and Mononcles, it’s time to do Chapelle with your more biaw Clet’che!”The Dunkirk Carnival is back, like every year, this time with a little trip to Gins!Nothing religious, doing chapel means meeting in homes, with friends, in private, to eat and start hostilities all together!Festive and caring, Carnival remains a must in Dunkirk!